Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This morning
on the way to work
the light and the trees just
Blew me away
I couldn't stop to take a picture
so i tried to remember it all day
I thought about how I would paint the light...
Holding that image,
light up in gold and brown.
And come home and try to paint it...

I tried to capture this feeling.
I did not succeed, it doesnt look like my mind
But it evolved to something else...

The paint was thick in some spots I went with it.

In paris, i discovered one of my favorite crazy painter, vincent...
painted thick piles of paint in small brush size dabs...
So I went with it.

It is hard for me to leave it alone and not blend...
So this doodle painting 8 x10 on wood...
will be hard to paint over if I decide to change it
maybe I can sand it down...

Not a great painting but a step that is hard to take is worth note?

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